Embroidered Emense Jacket
Embroidered Emense Jacket
I was in California during the winter when I designed this jacket. I needed something light and packable for my morning coffee runs. You know, if you're part of this team, we have to represent the Emense Coffee Movement at coffee shops.
After some work, the concept turned out to be simple and elegant. The jacket itself is made by Champion, so it's of amazing quality and feels great.
Tag me on instagram @emenselogic with the jacket on and I will send you a free bag of coffee!
The jacket is made to order, so please expect it to take a little longer as we go into the wild to harvest the materials and deliver it! Thank you! 🙏
Coffee on the farm
We love making a chemex on the farm, really brings out the flavors of our coffee.
Set! Camera! Action! Be part of our story
Follow our journey on social media from our farm all the way to your table at home.
Smile! New coffee plants on the way!
The team is working hard to plant more coffee! We want enough to supply everyone that's part of our movement.